Friday 28 May 2010

"Inferno" artwork

Inferno is an upcoming drama/biopic film that revolves around the late American porn star, Linda Lovelace. Lovelace gained fame for starring in the most successful porn film, Deep Throat, in 1972.
I'm not sure that the film will be any good as it's directed by Matthew Wilder, who is famous for THIS. Ahem.

But judgements aside, the artwork is fantastic.
I am looking forward to more posters being released by the end of the year.

Photography and poster design is by the amazing Tyler Shields, who is by far my favourite portraitist, and fast becoming my favourite contemporary photographer.

Sunday 23 May 2010

Confessions of a LOST geek

The six year marathon series Lost comes to an end tonight with a two and a half hour finale.

Blogs and forums have gone berserk in pursuit of answers to the puzzling series and it’s expanse of unanswered questions and intricate mythology.

For the first time in my life I understand the fanboy allegiance to a show.
I started watching Lost six years ago via noisy internet streams and thought it was a well produced, excellently written episodic drama with great characters and Stephen King like appreciation for cliffhangers, suspense and riddles.

Before I was even aware, I was hooked.
The show transformed before my eyes, dragging me along with it, desperate for answers.
First it was a survival drama about a group of seemingly unconnected crash survivors establishing a group dynamic and unravelling a cosmic connection portrayed through their delicately introduced back-stories.
Jack was the handsome leader, Sawyer the roguish loner. Hurley was the chubby comedic relief and Kate the sexy enigma with a criminal past.
Then came polar bears, supply air drops, the Dharma initiative, underground bunkers, monsters made of mechanical sounding black smoke, ghosts, whispers on the breeze, those damn numbers, electro-magnetic fields, TIME TRAVEL, flashbacks, flash forwards, flash sideways, millennia old island dwellers who never age, a mysterious power source connecting all living things, healing properties, gang wars, giant green talking birds, psychic kids, the inability to commit suicide…

If you have never seen Lost, then I can’t even begin to explain how we have got to here from where we begun.
Eventually, the show that enthralled me and impressed me, began to piss me off.
Every answer offered threw up seven more questions, and now on the precipice of the ending, the mythology has expanded and ballooned into monster more terrifying than the black smoke itself.

Going into the last episode *SPOILER* we know that at the heart of the island is a mysterious light that has been guarded by Jacob and his twin brother (who we now know is the smoke monster).
What we don’t know is….everything else.
I delighted in series one and two (even beyond their frustrating refusal to tie up mysteries). I persevered with the terrible third season (ten episodes in and the main characters were still in a cage) and I played along with the whimsical introduction of time travelling and parallel universes beyond it.

With the arrival of the 6th and final season, I was sure every episode would be required to stitch together all of the loose ends.
First and foremost I have to say the sixth series has been brilliant. The writers and producers have created something special in terms of action, plot development and character – but I must admit, I am worried.
I’ve enjoyed Lost, but when I tune in tomorrow night, it will be for closure on six years of belief and trust, that the makers were going to deliver a satisfying conclusion.
But the penultimate episode (which veered away from the main character and their on island shenanigans) made no hint that a narrative full stop was anywhere near.
Two and a half hours stand between the ever expanding mythology and the relieved sighs of the fanboys who need answers.

What IS the island?

That’s the crux of it.
“Every question you ask will just lead to another question” said Jacobs adoptive mother before she delivered the island keepers and bludgeoned their confused natural mother to death.
Enough with the questions.
We want answers.

A finale report will appear here shortly after the finale.

(For the best internet resource on the web of mysteries surrounding the Lost universe, visit:

Saturday 22 May 2010

Aloclair model wanted for drawing winning raffle tickets - A tribute to Lee Blowers

As we were browsing a mouth ulcer treatment website we found a picture of this model and thought it’d be funny to email them from Lee, asking about the model.

We wrote:

Name: Lee Blowers
Subject: Model enquiry
Query: Dear sir/madam,

I have contacted you previously, but to no avail.
I am looking for details of the model agency you used for your website design, specifically the model used in the "contact us" section.
She perfectly fits our remit for models required for my own campaign and cannot find any photography / agency references on your site.

A prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.
Mr Lee Blowers

Thinking they wouldn’t respond we told Lee what we had done, and asked him to look out for a reply.
A month later (after we had forgotten about the prank) the company replied to Lee:

From: Rob Callum []
Sent: Fri 5/21/2010 8:31 AM
To: Lee Blowers
Subject: RE: Model enquiry

I'm afraid that the agency who created the website for us is no longer trading, and we have no details of the agency used.

Kind Regards
Aloclair Marketing Team

Lee, off his own back, sent these replies, one after the other:

From: Lee Blowers
Sent: Fri 5/21/2010 8:38 AM
To: Rob Callum

Subject: RE: Model enquiry

thanks for nothing u waste of space, have a good day!


Hi Rob,

I apologize for my previous email i sent you, i'm under a lot of stress at the moment. U need to help me out, as the model that I inquired about is no longer available, I need a very similar looking one at the very least. I have arranged a fund raiser and was planning to use her as the face of the whole operation. I have told all my friends and family that she is coming and have also arranged a raffle where she will be pulling out the winning tickets. A lot of very important people from the local council and surrounding businesses will be there and the local media will be covering this event. I really need you to pull together with me on this Rob as the fund raiser is tomorrow and none of my female friends look nothing like the girl i'm looking for.

I look forward to hearing from you
Lee Blowers

Cue me dying with laughter.

The thought of a whole fete resting on the attendance of an unknown girl from a mouth ulcer treatment website and everyone being there waiting, and Lee stressing about delivering his promise.

“i'm under a lot of stress at the moment”.

I'm going to make Lee the next Karl Pilkington