Monday 22 March 2010

Gay couple denied room at Bn'B : The Religious Right persecutes minorities based on its archaic interpretation of "the rules"

A homosexual couple have contacted police after being refused a room because they are gay.

Michael Black, 62, and John Morgan, 56, were refused custom after explaining they intended to share the double room at the Swiss Bed and Breakfast, in Cookham, Berkshire.

Far from exercising the religious principles of inclusion, compassion and humanitarianism, Susanne Wilkinson explained: "It goes against my convictions to have two men sharing.
"We turned them away because we have a Christian faith and for us to allow people to engage in homosexual activity within our house would go against our faith."
Thames Valley Police have been notified but the matter is likely to be a civil dispute, rather than criminal.

In light of this prejudicial selection policy I have contacted the owners with the following letter:

Hi Susanne,

I am writing to say that in spite of your allegiance to your faith, the denial of hospitality to two homosexual gentlemen, as reported in the media is nothing short of a disgrace.
It shocks me to realise that such a blinkered and archaic view can still be held in a modern society where people have fought, diplomatically, theologically and scientifically to be accepted on the basis of their biological birth right. You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.
Perhaps a little of your Christian hospitality to paying guests wouldn't go amiss?
I assume you are also anti sodomy, or sex before marriage? Would you turn a straight couple who wished to engage in such acts away? Or were you merely exercising your iota of power over a heavily persecuted minority who are still considered to be alien in their own country because of narrow minded fear-mongering spread by the religious right, who's notion of preserving a sacred moral code that has never existed, is prioritised above compassion for our fellow man, regardless of race or sexuality.

My only hope is that your antiquated views and prejudices die out with your ignorant generation and that Christianity can find its way to operating within the wonderfully diverse and tolerant society we have become, in spite of the establishment being cut from the same cloth as yourself.

Shame on you.

Mr James Cox

26 years old, STRAIGHT, male.

The B n B's website can be found at: if you wish to voice your opinions on the owners peculiar need to enforce medieval prejudices on their customers.
I would ask that you refrain from intimidating them or being overly defamatory and I am not responsible for your actions.

I doubt very much that I will receive a reply, but I shall post it here if I do.

- Original story sourced from

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