Saturday 8 October 2011

Poetry Slam first draft

I am writing a poem to try and compete at the Stanzmania Poetry Slam at Colchester Arts Centre on Thursday for work.
Been writing it today. I figure hiding behind comedy is my best bet as I am (like most other people) terrible at poetry.

It's called "I fancied you so much that I became a cyber-stalking nut job"

I have a bone to pick with you, Elaine,
That's right, I know your name,
Have you any idea how much time that it took,
To get enough details to add you on Facebook?
I guess it started in 2007,
You were bowling in aisle 10, me in aisle 11,
I was alone and you with your mates,
You know that stumpy Brunette, Kathleen or Kate?
She yelled "Hey Elaine you're up next"
We both went for the same ball and out eyes met,
And you smiled and it knocked me out for a strike,
And with the voice of an angel said "You can take it if you like"
So I took it and you watched me find the gutter,
And you laughed and my heart melted like butter,
You turned and went back to your friends,
And for you that's where our encounter ends,
But not for me - I don't give in without a fight,
I started researching you that very same night,
Straight off the bat, I'll confess this to you,
Ok, I was the guy that stole your shoes,
Not for anything weird, or anything wrong,
I mean, sure occasionally I slip them on,
And parade around my flat and take pictures of my feet,
or keep them in my bed so I can smell them in my sleep,
Look, Im getting off track,
Point is I had your first name but not a lot more than that,
So I looked up every Elaine within 20 miles,
Got all their numbers and from a phone booth I dialled,
I visited the houses of maybe nine different Elaine's,
Rang their doorbells and ran away,
And I knew you would be trouble because you were the last one on my list,
You emerged from your door like a ship from the mist,
Like a punch from a fist, like a knife from my wrist,
And you were wearing a similar expression to now,
As you came out in your PJs and looked around,
I thought about rolling out from under your dads car,
Just to tell you how beautiful you are,
But you got cold and went back in,
So I hopped you fence and rifled through your bin,
And found some payslips from your weekend job at Boots,
Oh and some discarded gum and tissues which are framed up in my bedroom,
I ran home never more in love,
Guided by a sparkling sea of stars above,
Which seemed to move to form the outline of your face,
And I screamed your name and it echoed into the eternity of space,
I added you to the social network site,
And stayed awake staring at your profile for three consecutive nights,
On the 4th night I got a message that I never expected,
So I tried again maybe five, or ten, times,
And decided that I would follow you until you changed your mind,
So everywhere you went I was three paces behind,
At the library, the park, the supermarket checkout line,
At the swimming pool, the pub, when you picked up your little sister Heather,
At the train station, at the your grandmas, family only, 80th birthday get together,
I just thought we could get to know one another,
And maybe sometime, next week, you could meet my mother,
I just want all the stuff that other couples have got,
You know names for kids, deposits on adjacent burial plots,
I know I've garbled and not made much sense,
And I've been told that sometimes I come off a little bit intense,
But we could get married, make love below a weeping willow,
And when you're 95 and terminal I'll smother you with a pillow,
And we'll be together in heaven with no space between,
And rule it together me as king and you as my queen,
But you've blocked me from Facebook, ran off, left me bitter,
And I guess the only saving grace is you've got an account on Twitter.

Early draft.
Need ideas.